my anger is seriously culminating to a very dangerous degree that i find the thought of strangling his neck with my bare hands utterly irresistable. pangs of jealousy just swell in me each time i lay my eyes upon him. i harbour so much resentment, contempt and grudge against him. my sister doesn't talks to me anymore. she misses dinner all the time to go out with her boyfriend. i hate her. i hate her boyfriend. which part of the sentence 'i just want to have dinner with my sister' that both of them do not comprehend? idiots. don't they respect me? i just want to be close again to my sister. am i asking too much?
i wish we would share secrets together again. i miss those times where we used to cuddle up in blankets, talk and giggle about each other's crush every night. i want you to know how much i hate it when we're not in talking terms and understand how painful and horrible is it to eat cold dinner alone, staring at the door..waiting for you to come back in vain.
i wish that you'd know how much i love you.